Title: RE: perl and DB connectivities

you could try this little routine,
After opening the connection and making the query:-

while(($rc = $X->ct_results($restype)) == CS_SUCCEED) {
        next if ($restype == CS_CMD_DONE || $restype == CS_CMD_FAIL || $restype == CS_CMD_SUCCEED);
        @names = $X->ct_col_names();
        while(@dat = $X->ct_fetch) {
                #$no ++;
                if (%linehash) {undef(%linehash)};      #Clear out the hash ready for new data - if the hash exisits!

                foreach $nm (@names) {                  #Populate a hash so that names of columns in DB can be used.
                        $field{@names[$i]} = @dat[$i];

.-----Original Message-----
.From: loan tran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
.Sent: 23 September 2002 16:12
.Subject: perl and DB connectivities
.Does someone know if there is a function in sybperl
.(use Sybase::DBlib) which does exactly the same thing
.of: $data = "$sth->fetchrow_hashref" (use DBI).
.In order words,
.when using DBI, i can extract data from Sybase using
.$sql = qq(select name,dbid from sysdatabases);
.while(my $data = "$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
.   print "DBName: $data{name}\n
.          DBId:   $data{dbid}";
.My question is:
.Is there $sth->fetchrow_hashref or something similar
.in sybperl (use Sybase::DBlib).
.Do you Yahoo!?
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