On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Josh wrote:

> The error message is as follows
> In string, @63 now must be written as \@63 at -e line 1, near "#foo-bar
> Target[789]:
> Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.
> The code is as follows, but well, the @ is escaped so I've nfc, I've tried
> double escaping it which did not work. Any help would be appreciated. even a
> better way to accomplish the same thing. Im new to this so please exscuse my
> unwieldy code.

The error is from the perl called from the system command.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $str ='abc@def'; 
system ("/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e '\@def=(12,34,56);s/1234/$str/' somefile");

The main script generates the string with a literal '@' but the perl in 
the system command is not sure if it is a literal '@' or not.
perldoc perldiag (search for '\@')
Run the above script and check the output
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> ############################################################################
> #
> #This program is part of a 3 file team that consists of:
> #
> #A web based form that takes information on a DSL Account using that info.
> #
> #An expect script that maps the person into our DSL router.
> #
> #This file that takes the same info and adds them to our MRTG Graphs.
> #
> ############################################################################
> #
> #Get The variables from the web and then split them into name value pairs.
> #Then split THOSE pairs and assign them to a hash called "bar"
> @foo = split (/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
> foreach $i (@foo)
> {
>     ($name, $value) = split(/=/,$i);
>     $bar{$name} = $value;
> }
> #Prepare the information to be written to file.
> $profile = "#$bar{cust_name}\n" .
>    "Target[$bar{dlci}]:
>    "MaxBytes[$bar{dlci}]: 192000\n" .
>    "AbsMax[$bar{dlci}]: 192000\n" .
>    "Title[$bar{dlci}]: $bar{title}\n" .
>    "PageTop[$bar{dlci}]: <h1>$bar{cust_name} (DLCI $bar{dlci})</h1>\n" .
>    "<table>\n" .
>    "<tr><td>Service:</td> <td>Level 3</td></tr>\n" .
>    "<tr><td>Bandwidth:</td> <td>$bar{rate_limit}/$bar{police}</td></tr>\n" .
>    "<tr><td>Binding:</td><td>bridged</td></tr>\n" .
>    "</table>\n\n";
> #Check to see wether or not we are placing the new info into the Business Or
> Consumer Section.
> system "perl -p -i -e 's!############ END DSL BUSINESS ACCOUNTS
> #############!$profile\n############ END DSL BUSINESS ACCOUNTS
> #############!gi' /usr/local/apache/htdocs/mrtg/fooness.cfg";

The above one-liner inside your script that is causing the problem
Why don't you create a temporary file, write the modified output to it and 
copy it back when finished. 

open (FOONESS, '/usr/local/apache/htdocs/mrtg/fooness.cfg') or die "Error:$!\n"; 
open (TEMPFOO, '>/usr/local/apache/htdocs/mrtg/fooness.cfg.bak') or die "Error:$!\n";
while (<FOONESS>) {
   print TEMPFOO;
close (FOONESS)
close (TEMPFOO);
rename (..../fooness.cfg.bak, ..../fooness.cfg); 

If you don't want to code all of that give this a try
  local @ARGV = qw(/usr/local/apache/htdocs/mrtg/fooness.cfg);
  local $^I = ''; # Does the same as -i command line flag
  while (<>) {

> open(STUFF, "</usr/local/apache/htdocs/mrtg/fooness.cfg");
> print "Content-Type: text/html \n\n <HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY>";
> print "$profile";
> print <STUFF>;
> print "</BODY></HTML>";
> close(STUFF);

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