Chad Kellerman wrote:

> david,
>     actually, without the while loop every user in the array gets forked
> at one time.  500+ forks.  I put the while loop in and it does one at a
> time..

maybe i am missing something but how is this:

> foreach my $usr (@users) {
>       my $UsrPid;
>       unless ($UsrPid = fork) {
>             while fork {
>                   do stuff
>                   exit 0;
>             }
>             exit 0;
>        }
>        waitpid($UsrPid,0);
> }

different than:

foreach my $user (@users){
        my $UserPid = fork;
                #-- do stuff;

if @users has 500 elements, the fisrt version does 1000 forks.
the second version does only 500 forks

at last, only the main process's parent is living.


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