Does anyone have any experience using the ping method
from Net::POP3? I've included the following code,
after running I get "Cannot get ping stats:"

#/usr/bin/perl -w
use Net::POP3;

$pop = Net::POP3->new($mail_server) or die "Can't
connect $!\n";

defined ($pop->login($user)) or die "Can't login

# $msgs = $pop->list or die "can't list messages

@pingstat = $pop->ping($user) or die "Cannot get ping
stats: $!\n";
print "@pingstat\n";

print "@popstat\tstat?\n";

If I comment out the @pingstat line and the subsequint
print and run the same, I get the number of messages
and the size of the mailbox as expected. Somehow, I'm
sure I'm not calling the ping() method correctly, but
I don't see how. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.


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