I'm trying to setup an autorun process on a CD that will run a perl script and output 
to a web browser.
The CD will be used on Win32 machines that do not have Perl installed.  The perl 
binaries and library
files are on the CD.  I have determined that I can run a batch file from the command 
line that will add
the perl binaries directory to the path and then run perl.exe against the .pl file.

Doing this results in the output from the perl script being displayed in the command 
prompt window.
What do I have to do to get the output to open a browser window and display in html 
format?  My
perl script is included below:
# #######################################################
# first test program
# #######################################################

$found = 1;
$count = 0;

# send back HTML document applicable for USERID/PASWORD
if ($found eq 1) {
   #print contents
   $width = 540;
   $height = 580;

   print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
   print "<html>\n";
   print "<head>\n";
   print "<title>Login page</title>\n";
   print "</head>\n";
   print "<body>\n";
   print "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" marginheight=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" 
topmargin=\"0\" leftmargin=\"0\">\n";

   print "<p>\n";

   print "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"><!-- \n";
   print "    var _info = navigator.userAgent; var _ns = false; \n"; 
   print "    var _ie = (_info.indexOf(\"MSIE\") > 0 && _info.indexOf(\"Win\") > 0 && 
_info.indexOf(\"Windows 3.1\") < 0); \n";
   print "//--></SCRIPT> \n";

   print "<COMMENT><SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript1.1\"><!-- \n";
   print "    var _ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf(\"Netscape\") >= 0 && 
((_info.indexOf(\"Win\") > 0 && _info.indexOf(\"Win16\") < 0 && 
java.lang.System.getProperty(\"os.version\").indexOf(\"3.5\") < 0) || 
(_info.indexOf(\"Sun\") > 0) || (_info.indexOf(\"Linux\") > 0) || 
(_info.indexOf(\"AIX\") > 0) )); \n";
   print "//--></SCRIPT></COMMENT> \n";

   print "<APPLET  CODE = webd.client.class CODEBASE = \"/applet\" ARCHIVE = 
client.jar WIDTH = \"$width\" HEIGHT = \"$height\"></XMP> \n";
   print "<PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = webd.client.class > \n";
   print "<PARAM NAME = CODEBASE VALUE = \"/applet\" > \n";
   print "<PARAM NAME = cache_option VALUE = Plugin > \n";
   print "<PARAM NAME = cache_archive VALUE = client.jar > \n";
   print "<PARAM NAME=\"type\" VALUE=\"application/x-java-applet;version=1.3\"> \n";
   print "<PARAM NAME=\"scriptable\" VALUE=\"false\"> \n";
   print "<PARAM NAME = \"userid\" VALUE =\"$userid\">\" \n";
   print "</APPLET> \n";
   print "</NOEMBED></EMBED></OBJECT> \n";

   print "</p>\n";
   print "</body>\n";
   print "</html>\n";

Thanks for your time,

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