Thanks nkuipers and thanks David!  I am reading away was I write this.


>>> nkuipers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/01/02 12:40PM >>>
>Where can I find those Docs?

at your prompt (unix) type exactly what David showed you, ie.,

perldoc -f system


>Brady Fausett wrote:
>> David,
>> Ok here is a step by step of what I am trying to do.
>> 1- User goes to a web page that has a file upload system on it.
>> 2- User uploads file from their computer to the server via the web page
>> (already built)
>> 3- After file is uploaded another web page is automatically loaded
>> (already built) that executes my perl script.
>> 4- When the perl script is executed nothing changes on the web page.
>> However the script parses the file/s and, checks for errors, and enters
>> the data extracted from the files into a database.
>> I hope that makes sense.  The perl script/program I wrote contains the
>> following:
>> 1- (module to parse files, (3 different kind at this time)
>> 2- (module to connect to any database, check for db errors
>> etc...and push data into database)
>> 3- (module to print out specific errors and warnings, and test
>> certain functions in perl script)
>> 4- (not the actual name) (script written to call methods from
>> the modules...this is the one that needs executing)
>> I hope this information helps.  Again, thanks for your time and help!
>> Brady
>i see that you are very organize. most beginners will probably just throw
>evrything into a big script but you actually have all of your logic and
>pieces modulize for reuseability. that's great!
>yes, you can execute something in the background while your CGI script
>continue to serve other request. instead of giving you exact code, i will
>refer you to read the following:
>perldoc -f system
>perldoc -f exec
>perldoc -f fork
>hope that help!

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