.------[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (2002/10/08 at 09:55:09) ]------
 |  All,
 |  I'm looking for suggestions on how I can accomplish running a perlscript to
 |  e-mail me when a certain log condition is met.
 |  My idea is that I will call the perlscript from syslog.conf:
 |  local2.* |exec /sbin/perlscrip.pl
 |  How do I get perl to take input from syslogd?
 |  How would I make sure that the script would exit if the string I am looking
 |  for isn't present?

    From the syslog.conf manpage, I read that the | isn't for executing
    a script, but for sending the data to a named pipe ( fifo ). If you
    create a file ( let's say /tmp/foo.pipe ) with the command mkfifo
    /tmp/foo.pipe, then you can launch a perl script which opens this
    file and reads/writes to it like a standard file. 

    Hope this helps. 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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