Seeing what your data looks like would be very helpful.
        You say it is a text file which would imply carrirage returns, but
no where do you disable the record separator so I don't believe you are
reading all the data into your array.

        You do a foreach putting the data into a variable but then you pull
off @_.

        What are you splitting on? White space, commas, ?????
        Here is a shor, just reading in your file and splitting on multiple
white space. Declare the variables you wnat in the loop verses outside.

open (DYNIXDBF, "dynixte.txt");

foreach ( <DYNIXDBF>) {
        my ($dlast,$daddy,$dphone) = split(/\s+/, $_);  
        print "Dynix: $dlast $daddy $dphone\n";


Wags ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Ruffino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 09:15
Subject: Split


Hopefully someone here can help me.  I'm reading in a text file, and 
setting it to an array, and I want ot sp        lit that array in 3
but I kepp coming up with, 'uninitiated value in contatenation (.) or 
string and line ..."

Here is the code:

#!/user/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $dlast;
my $daddy;
my $dphone;

open (DYNIXDBF, "dynixte.txt");

my @dynixdata = <DYNIXDBF>;

foreach my $dynixrec (@dynixdata) {
        ($dlast,$daddy,$dphone) = @_;  
        print "Dynix: $dlast $daddy $dphone\n";


All I want to do is to split it so I can fo some comparing later.

Anyone have any ideas?

Joseph Ruffino
Automated Systems Assistant
Gail Borden Public Library District
Elgin., IL

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