
I recently was reading a posting regarding getting table names and then retrieving 
colmn names from another post.  I have been trying to make a perl program that I have 
written (with DBI) to be more object oriented.  To be able to get column names would 
be a great help.  I have the Perl DBI book from OReilly, but it only makes a small 
mention of something that seems to do this:

$sth = $dbh->table_info;

it also says that the method is experimental and may change.  

Does anybody know how one would go about doing this?  Any help would be appreciated.

Here is some more detailed information:

1- DB:  Postgres SQL
2- Perl: 5.6.1 on one server and on the other 5.8.0
3- DBI: 1.28

currently using a sub-routine (method):

sub setDataColumns {
  my ($class, $columns) = @_;
  if ($columns) {
         @dRows = split (/|/, $columns);
  return @dRows;

at least the method is similar to that.  The problem here is that I have to pass to 
the module (class) the list of columns in a string.  If I can get this same info 
without have to code it or pass this information, it would sure make everything more 
secure and cleaner.  

Thanks again!

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