On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 12:49:48PM -0400, Chris Benco wrote:
> my @output = $session->cmd(
>     "ping
>     $protocol
>     $ip
>     $repeat
>     $datagram
>     $timeout
>     $extended
>     $sweep
>     ");

> $session->cmd(Timeout => 3600);
> my @output = $session->cmd(

> my @output = $session->cmd(
>     Timeout => 3600,
>     "ping

According to the documentation, the cmd() method can be called one of two
ways: with one argument, or with a list of key-value pairs.

In your first example you're using the one-argument form.  Everything works.

In your second example you attempt to call cmd() twice, expecting the
Timeout specified in the first call to apply to the second call.  I'm not
sure why you thought this would work, but as far as I can tell each cmd()
call is seperate.

In your third example you mix the two different call forms; if you're using
key-value pairs your command has to be specified using the String key, i.e.:

    my @output = $session->cmd(
        String  =>  "ping\n$protocol\n$ip\n...",
        Timeout =>  3600,

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