Hello all,

Can anyone tell me how to make this code work, so that, if the record already exists, just update the values instead of creating a new record?

open(InFile, "fuelcrd") || die "Can not open file: $!\n";
my ($FuelCrd, $TrkID, $FuelCmp) = split(/,/,$_);
$FuelCrd =~ s/\"//g;
$TrkID =~ s/\"//g;
$FuelCmp =~ s/\"//g;
chomp($FuelCrd, $TrkID, $FuelCmp);
print "$FuelCrd, $TrkID, $FuelCmp\n";
$SQL = qq[insert into cardlock (cardno, trkid, fuelcmp)
values ('$FuelCrd', '$TrkID', '$FuelCmp')];
$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL) || die "$SQL\n$!\n";
$sth->execute || die "$SQL\n$!\n";
close InFile;



My pseudo code looks like this:

find first record in table where id = 'blah'
if not available record then create record.
assign values to record.



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