.------[ sean finnigan wrote (2002/10/31 at 11:20:20) ]------
 |  Permission denied at /System/Library/Perl/ExtUtils/Install.pm  line 62
 |  Error 255
 |  .------[ sean finnigan wrote (2002/10/31 at 07:58:48) ]------
 |  | 
 |  | make install
 |  | 
 |  | ....and I get an error if I'm not logged in with admin rights...
 |  | 
 |  | What change do I need to put in Makefile.PL such that files won't
 |  | get copied to '/Library/Perl/Darwin' by 'make install' , but instead
 |  | just go (stay) in current dir?
 |  | 
 |  `-------------------------------------------------
 |  You'll have to do this from the initial make and set the prefix
 |  directory accordingly. So for instance if you want to install in
 |  your home directory which is /home/sean/ you'll need to do the
 |  following: 
 |  perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/sean/ 
 |  make 
 |  make install 
 |  Then you will not need root/admin privileges, you will however need
 |  to modify @INC to know to look in the directory you choose for the
 |  library. 

    You'll need to have write permission into the location you are
    trying to install to. So if you did: 

    perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/System/Library/Perl/ 

    You'll need write permission in /System/Library/Perl. 
    Not being a Mac OS X user, is /System/Library/Perl the default
    library location? 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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