Thank you.
 George Szynal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:For those who want/need to install a 
Perl app or extension without perturbing the default perl library tree.
Possible reasons:
1. Disambiguating the existing libs from your libs (for testing perhaps)
2. Not wanting to or not having rights to login as a supervisor (or as a user with 
admin rights)
3. Prefer to encapsulate resources in a local tree (easy to move / remove, or whatever 
4. Yet another reason I may have overlooked

lessons learned are:
a. utilize the 'LIB= argument when creating your makefile
example: perl Makefile.PL LIB=/users/george/myperlprogram/lib/
b. avoid the temptation to tweak @INC (purported to make use of that library location)
....and instead utilize 'use lib' 
example: in and (for my projects purposes)
use MathSystem 
use lib MathSystem

c. then we discovered an even better way is:
example: perl Makefile.PL LIB="./lib/" ## ie. use a relative path...
which makes it OK to :
use MathSystem ## no need for 'use lib MathSystem'

Resulting benefits: No need for admin rights to install, no need to push a path onto 
@INC at runtime

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