Hello Charles,

At 12:22 PM 10/31/2002 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I have a file that looks like
>I am only interested in the last set of digits on the second line.  My plan
>was to split on coma and take the 3 element of the array. I am having
>problems skipping the fist line.  Any assistance would be appreciated.

Let's assume you have the data in a file called foo:
 # perl -MEnglish -F"," -ane 'chomp @F; 
         print $F[2], "\n" if $NR > 1 and $#F' foo

Explanation of options:
 -MEnglish = loads the English module; needed for $NR (record number variable)
 -F = specify the regular expression to user for autosplit (-a)
 -a = autosplit the record (line) into array @F (makes perl work like awk)
 -n = read each line and apply script (makes perl work like awk)
 -e = read following command line argument as a script

Explanation of script:
 remove the newline from array F [ chomp @F ]
 if split worked and the record number is greater than 1 [ if $NR > 1 ] then
   print the third item [ print $F[2], "\n"  ]

This one-liner will work on multiple files including stdin.

'perldoc perlrun' for more details.

- Robert

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