Hmmm, that's a useful work-around.  

I may use it, but I'm really interested in finding out what the correct
invocaton of "map EXPR, LIST" would be.

Anyone know?



Kipp, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> had this to say,
> if you wanted to keep the use warnings pragma in there you could use the CGI
> carp method to send errors off to to wherever:
> # at the top of the script
> use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
> # redirect STDERR
> # could also send errs and warning to /dev/null
> open (ERRLOG, ">/tmp/err.out") or die "can't open error file\n";
> carpout(\*ERRLOG);
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Deb [mailto:deb@;]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 2:12 PM
> To: Perl List
> Subject: map EXPR, LIST
> Using 
>   perl v5.6.1 on Solaris.
>   use warnings;
>   use strict;
> I've got a hash of lists that I'm looping through:
> foreach $List (sort keys %HashofLists)
> {
>    print "Values for key \"$List\":\n";
>    map print ("\t\"$_\"\n"), @{$HashofLists{$List} };
> }
> This works just fine, except that I am getting the following complaint
> when I run the program,
>    print (...) interpreted as function at line 55.
> Line 55 is the "map print" line, above.  
> This worked w/o complaint (I think!) back in perl 5.001, so my assumption 
> is that v5.6.1 now requires a syntactically different way of writing this
> out?
> Since it works as expected, and I don't want the complaint to stdout/stderr,
> how would I write this such that perl will not complain?
> Thanks,
> deb

          There are 010 types of people in the world:
      those that understand binary, and those that don't.

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