Hi Thomas

File editing is particularly easy in perl.
Herez some sample code to get you started :


@ARGV='C:\Documents and Settings\athind\Desktop\test\File2Edit.txt'; # path
to the file you want to edit

$^I=".bak";              # this will be appended to the original filename
and will act as BackUp.

while (<>) 
        s/!//;           # will replace ! with nothing i.e. all instances of
! will be removed.
        s/SUB-TOTAL://;  # same as above for SUB-TOTAL:      
        print;           # writes the new file line by line  


Try this on the file you want to edit.
Anything else you want to edit\replace can be done by the


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Browner [mailto:thomas.browner@;digidyne.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 7:33 PM
Subject: file editting



I there away to edit a file in perl? This is what is I am trying to do.
I have a file that I want to remove some content. This is an example of
a line:


!     6134.21   3200  SUB-TOTAL: M:\alvin 


I want to remove the ! and SUB-TOTAL. I hope some one can tell me an
simple way of doing this sine I am a new to perl.


Thank you,




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