Depends on what you are really doing. If only one level, then opendir
and readdir would be one way.  If there are other folders and you need to go
down them, then File::Find would probably be a good way to go.
Wags ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Booher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 15:20
Subject: should be a simple traverse and print

Hello - I am looking for ideas to traverse a directory structure and print
all jpg files in the directory along with their parent directory. For
example if I have
Folder1 with 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
Folder2 with A.jpg B.jpg C.htm
By running in Folder1 and Folder2's parent directory I would get:
Folder 1 : 1.jpg
Folder 1 : 2.jpg
Folder 2 : A.jpg
Folder 2 : B.jpg
I have a feeling that perl can do this very simply, but I am still new to
the language . . . any ideas?

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