Jeff japhy Pinyan said:
> On Nov 22, Chris Browning said:
>>On Thursday 21 November 2002 03:21 am, cedric gross wrote:
>>> Hello every body,
>>> How to know what task have run a perl script ?
>>> I mean is possible to get within the code which process Id have start
>>> the script.
>>If you're running Linux or Unix, perl holds your environment variables
>> in a hash; %ENV. Your process id number is $ENV{PID}.
> You can just use the $$ variable too.

Good answers to the wrong quiestion ;-)

I think the requirement is to find the process id of the parent process. 
$ENV{PPID} might give you that (it does on Solaris 8 which doesn't have
$PID) or you might be able to find out by calling C<getppid>.

  perl -V:d_getppid

will tell you whether your perl supports this call.

  perldoc -f getppid

for what it's worth ;-)

[ Didn't someone already answer this?  Oh for a decent threaded webmail
thingy. ]

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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