>I tried to lookup the "perldoc -q" on the net but couldn't find anything?
>(www.perldoc.com right?)

perldoc is software that generally is installed with perl.

perldoc.com has the same information, but doesn't have a way to use the
flags that the software version has.

The -q flag to perldoc searches the FAQs, so from www.perldoc.com, select
the FAQ index.  Using your browser to search for the string "space" on that
page leads to "How do I strip blank space from the beginning/end of a
string?" within perlfaq4.  If you click on the perlfaq4 link, and again
search on "space", you get a link to that question, clicking on which gives
which I won't copy to hear because everyone should be able to find it now on
their own if they want to read it.


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