On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 21:21:42 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John W. Krahn)

>Chris wrote:
>> How do I tally money with perl?
>Assuming that you are tallying dollars like $12,345.67, convert to cents
>(an integer) by removing all punctuation and convert back to dollars to
>print the final total.
>$ perl -le'
>@dollars = qw/ $12,345.67 $11,555.99 $9,765.35 $432 $876.4 /;
>for ( @dollars ) {
>    # add zeros for proper format
>    $_ .= ".00" unless tr/.//;
>    $_ .= "0"   unless /\.\d\d$/;
>    # remove non-digits
>    tr/0-9//cd;
>    $total += $_;
>    }
>($total2 = $total) =~ s/(\d\d)$/.$1/;
>printf "%.2f\n", $total / 100;
>print $total2;
OK. I will try it. My amounts look more like this.

@dollars = qw/ 12345.67 11555.993333 9765.353 432 876.4 /;

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