On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 12:12:46AM +0000, Nicole Seitz wrote:
> Hi there!
> I've just started to learn OOP with Perl.With the help of perltoot I wrote a 
> class Person and some methods(see below).
> package Person;

[ snip implementation ]

> To store some data in my object I did the follwing:
> use Person;
> $myPerson = Person->new();
> $myPerson->cname("John");
> $myPerson->sname("Smith");
> $myPerson->street("Euston Road");
> $myPerson->city("London");
> $myPerson->phone("414 3344");
> Do I really need all these methods?
> I get my data from an comma separated file;lines in this file look like this:
> ;John;Smith;Euston Road;London;414 3344;;
> So, after opening the file and reading from it line per line,
> what's the best way to store the data in an object? Can I do it in one step?I 
> mean, without using several methods(cname,sname,...)???

Of course.  Just write a method which accepts the string, splits on the
semi-colon, and assigns the result to the appropriate fields.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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