Hi all,
 I'm following this mailing list for a while. Also, we had a small project inhouse 
that had some components made in perl.
 It was developped by 3 diferent guys, so we shared some code. In the end, I was the 
one who glued everything.
I don't know if is just us in here, but perl seems to "help" programmers make fuzzy 
and hard to understand scripts.
but why use $_ or even nothing ( because almost every function can  use $_ by 
if I have  a problem in a script, and I see a $_, I just have to backtrack and read 
the actual code just to see what that particular variable is supposed to hold. 
That's why they invented variable names, no? no use to have a var called $a or $xyz. 
Ins't a line like: s/$_[1]//; 
or even s/.+\w*?//; (assuming some things, its the same , no ? :)
more cryptic then: $fullname=~s/$lastname//; 
Eveybody can see that I want to take out the last name from the the var that holds the 
full name.
But in the first two cases, I just have to read the actual code to just understand 
what that line is supposed to do.
I don't want to be flamed :) I'm not saying its bad by itself... it's like having a 
goto in a language. It doens't harms anyone by itself.. but allow programmers to shoot 
themselfs in the foot.
Just my two cents,
 Duarte Cordeiro

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