Dammit, got the split wrong.

  try this:
my ( $time, $uptime ) = ( split / /, $out[0] )[0,1];

my bad..


On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 12:11, Mark Weisman wrote:
> I've got a script that I'm working on that will use SSH to check the
> uptime on servers within my domain. However, I'm unsure of how exactly
> to do this this is what I have so far.
> ##!/usr/bin/perl
> #My (@machines,$host,$user,$pass)
> #Open(INFILE,"<machines.txt")
> #     or die "Error opening machines.txt.$!,stopped"
> #@machines = <INFILE>;
> #Close(INFILE);
> #Foreach my $rec (@machines) {
> #     chomp($rec);
> #     ($host,$user,$pass) = split(/,/, $rec);
> #     open (OUTFILE, ">records.txt")
> #             or die "Error opening records.txt.$!,stopped";
> #     close(OUTFILE);
> #     open (OUTFILE, ">>records.txt")
> #             or die "Error opening records.txt.$!,stopped";
> #     print OUTFILE 'ssh -l $user $host "uptime"';
> #     close(OUTFILE);
> #};
> Without the hash marks of course. Where am I going wrong? Help please?
> His Faithful Servant,
> Mark-Nathaniel Weisman
> President / CEO
> Infinite Visions Educational Systems Inc.
> Anchorage, Alaska
> http://www.ivedsys.com
> -- 
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