Hope this is what you were asking for:

Before the print...
$pBlock =~ /VS_VERSION_INFO.*/;
print $&;


The rest of the script is just sorting out the numbers.  But Perl fails to match past 
whatever it sees as '\n' so the info isn't there to work with.

$pBlock =~ /VS_VERSION_INFO.*StringFileInfo/ would return nothing to $&.

So why won't a multi-line match work with Unicode?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wagner, David --- Senior Programmer Analyst --- WGO
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 8:00 AM
> To: 'Gary Hawkins'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: File version info
>       What is passing through to the screen is the actual binary/hex data.
> That is why the screeen has the little characters and the linefeeds.
>       Can you provide that portion of the code, so we can see what you are
> trying to do?
> Wags ;)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Hawkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 02:55
> Subject: File version info
> This is an effort to write filever.exe in Perl.  Filever extracts file
> version information and is available in the later Windows resource kits I
> think, or maybe as early as NT4.  In verbose mode it prints info like this:
> D:\>filever.exe /v c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll
> --a-- W32i   DLL ENU      5.1.2600.0 shp    926,720 08-23-2001 kernel32.dll
>         Language        0x0409 (English (United States))
>         CharSet         0x04b0 Unicode
>         OleSelfRegister Disabled
>         CompanyName     Microsoft Corporation
>         FileDescription Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
>         InternalName    kernel32
>         OriginalFilenam kernel32
>         ProductName     Microsoft« Windows« Operating System
>         ProductVersion  5.1.2600.0
>         FileVersion     5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148)
>         LegalCopyright  ¬ Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
>         Signature:      feef04bd
>         Struc Ver:      00010000
>         FileVer:        00050001:0a280000 (5.1:2600.0)
>         ProdVer:        00050001:0a280000 (5.1:2600.0)
>         FlagMask:       0000003f
>         Flags:          00000000
>         OS:             00040004 NT Win32
>         FileType:       00000002 Dll
>         SubType:        00000000
>         FileDate:       00000000:00000000
> I want to do the same thing with Perl so my script can use the information
> without having to rely on an external exe, and I don't want to use AdminMisc
> (I forget why right now, maybe pride or something even dummer).
> The script below prints:
> c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll
> î♥4     VS_VERSION_INFO ╜♦∩¦
> ♣       (
> ♣       (
> ?               ♦♦☻                                     Ω☻
> StringFileInfo  ¦☻
> 040904B0        L▬
> CompanyName     Microsoft Corporation   f▼
> FileDescription Windows NT BASE API Client DLL  d"
> FileVersion     5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148)       2
> InternalName    kernel32        Ç.
> LegalCopyright  ¬ Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.   :
> OriginalFilename        kernel32        j%
> ProductName     Microsoft« Windows« Operating System    :♂
> ProductVersion  5.1.2600.0      D
> VarFileInfo     $♦      Translation             ♦¦♦FE2X
> [Screen capture if that doesn't make any sense:
> http://www.eskimo.com/~ghawk/images/filever.gif]
> Now, most everything in there is relatively easy to clean up.  The problem
> area is the information between VS_VERSION_INFO and StringFileInfo that if
> translated to hex will become the numbers shown by filever.exe in the
> VS_FIXEDFILEINFO section.  So if you do a match between the two bookends and
> then unpack("h*", $&), you get a hex string with all of the data.  In an
> ideal world.  It works fine on some files.  Drop the first ten bytes and
> then from that point some of them need to be reversed but it is accurate.
> Here's the problem:  With that particular dll the VS_VERSION_INFO contains
> "00050001:0a280000".  Somehow, when the pattern match sees 0a (really a0
> because it has to be reversed later, or possibly 000A (a Unicode linefeed,
> since the \000's are still in there at that point), it interprets that as
> '\n', and the screen print does too, as you can see above.  I want it all on
> one line or least be able to match past those.
> I tried $/ = "", $/ = "xyz", and $* = 1 to no avail.
> Is there someone out there, some Unicode guru or anybody who can help clear
> up what's wrong here?
> My Perl version is v5.6.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread.
> Thanks!
> Gary
> #!perl.exe
> use Win32::API;
> #use utf8; # no effect
> if (! $ARGV[0]) {
>       print "\n\tFilename arg needed.\n\n";
>       exit;
> } else {
>       $filename = $ARGV[0];
> }
> if ($filename && $filename =~ /\*/) { # for *.* etc wildcards
>       $filenameprefix = $filename;
>       $filenameprefix =~ s/(.*)\\.*/$1\\/;
>       @filenames = `dir /b $filename`; # readdir later maybe
> } else {
>       $filenames[0] = $filename;
> }
> chomp @filenames;
> for (@filenames) {
>       s/^(.*)/$filenameprefix$1/; # reassemble full path
>       $pBlock = "";
>       print "\n\n$_\t\n\n";
>       $GetFileVersionInfoSize =
>               new Win32::API(
>                       "version.dll",
>                       "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA",
>                       ['P', 'P'],
>                       'N'
>       );
>       if (    $GetFileVersionInfoSize->Call(
>                       $_,
>                       $lpHandle
>               )
>               ) {
>               $lpBufferSize   =
>                       $GetFileVersionInfoSize->Call(
>                               $_,
>                               $lpHandle
>                       );
>       } else {
>               print "Apparently 16-bit\n";
>               next;
>       }
>       $GetFileVersionInfo = new Win32::API(
>                       "version.dll",
>                       "GetFileVersionInfoA",
>                       ['P', 'N', 'N', 'P'],
>                       'I'
>       );
>       $pBlock = "#" x $lpBufferSize;
>       if (    $GetFileVersionInfo->Call(
>                       $_,
>                       0,
>                       $lpBufferSize,
>                       $pBlock
>               )
>               ) {
>               $one_or_zero_ignored =
>                       $GetFileVersionInfo->Call(
>                               $_,
>                               0,
>                               $lpBufferSize,
>                               $pBlock
>                       ); # merely to get $pBlock
>       }
>       $lplpBuffer = "X" x 32;
>       $puLen = 16;
>       $VerQueryValue = new Win32::API(
>                       "version.dll",
>                       "VerQueryValueA",
>                       ['P', 'P' , 'P', 'P'],
>                       'N'
>       );
>       if (! $VerQueryValue->Call(
>                       $pBlock,
>                       $lpSubBlock,
>                       $lplpBuffer,
>                       $puLen
>               )
>               ) {
>               print Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError);
>       }
>       #print "$pBlock\n"; next; # raw output, or...
>       $pBlock =~ s/\#*$//; # excess buffer erase
>       $pBlock =~ s/\001\000/\n/g; # 001 smiley face, \000 space
>       $pBlock =~ s/\000\000\000/\t/g; # mo pretty
>       $pBlock =~ s/\000//g; # human-readable
>       print "$pBlock\n";
> }
> __END__
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