Thanks for the input...

I will do some research on this "ncftpget"....only thing is...I hope that
the ncftpget can do ftp "puts" as well ( I would
assume that it can) !

-Thanks again.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ramprasad A Padmanabhan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: How does the Perl Module called "NET:ftp" logon to an FTP

> Hi,
>    I hope other users will excuse me for being so un-perl
>   If I understand you right You have already lots of shell scripts which
> you will have to convert to perl If you use NET::ftp ( it is Net::FTP if
> I remember right)
>   save the bother get a ftp module like ncftpget which allows you to
> logon to a remote server using a username and password and get you a
> file via ftp
> So your shell scripts will remain as they are just instead of using ftp
> you can use ncftpget
> Jason Kendall wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > This is my first email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Please pardon the fact that this question is very vague...and
long....and any help is appreciated...thanks in advance...
> >
> > I have some Unix (korn shell) ftp scripts that automatically logon to
remote ftp servers and get and put files.
> > These scripts...up to this point...have worked great...but now I have an
annoying problem...
> >
> > The LAN that I'm on has recently upgraded to a newer version (not sure
what version) of the "Checkpoint" firewall
> > software. Getting past the firewall to do ftps has not been an issue
until this upgrade. In the past, my ftp scripts
> > would do something like this...
> >
> > ftp -n -v << mark
> > open
> > user
> > pass remote_ftp_site_password@my_firewall_password
> > get my_file.txt
> > bye
> > mark
> >
> > .....Now however, since the upgrade of this firewall...this no longer's like the newer version of the firewall
> > will only let me logon via the command's like it wants/
requires me to type in the user name...then hit a carriage
> > return, then type in the password, then I'm logged on....
> >
> > ....Someone suggested to me that in order to circumvent this problem
that I use the "NET::ftp" perl module...they provided me
> > with a template perl script to use...I used it and it works fine....but
here is my problem...the perl script they provided does
> > not do all the stuff that my korn shell script does in terms of checking
for successful file transfer, checking for correct date
> > of file being pulled down , checking for correct number of records in
the file etc...etc...etc...and not being a perl programmer,
> > I don't really want to have to convert all these korn shell ftp scripts
to perl scripts that include the same to
> > finally get to the point.....
> >
> > How is it that this perl script ..used with the NET::ftp
able to logon fine to the remote ftp server...but the korn shell
> > script (since the firewall upgrade) can not?...what can it be doing
behind the scenes that's so different? it somehow
> > passing the remote ftp server a newline character that my korn shell
script does not ??
> >
> > Any help is appreciated...there must be someone out there that knows
what NET::ftp is doing behind the scences...I got
> > a .netrc file to work for the ftp w/ the korn shell script..but due to
security reasons , I don't think a .netrc file on a Unix box
> > is a good idea.
> >
> >
> > Thanks ...Any help much appreciated !
> >
> > Jason Kendall
> >
> --
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