Yo, Mark,

On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, Mark Goland wrote:

> Ok I got it working now, thanx much Jason. Only question I have is
> regarding this.

Good!  Glad I could help.

>     $head ||= $link;

This is a Perl idiom to set a variable if it hasn't already been set.
So, if $head == undef, then $head will be set to $link.

The $lvalue X= $rvalue operators all do this:

$lvalue = $lvalue X $rvalue;

And due to precedence ('=' is very low precedence), this is really:

$lvalue = ( $lvalue X $rvalue );

Since Perl's '||' operator does not return a boolean but the actual
value that caused the test to succeed, this:

( $lvalue X $rvalue ) will return $lvalue or $rvalue (or 0 if neither
evaluate to true).  Using this feature, I hope you see that

$lvalue ||= $rvalue

is equivalent to

$lvalue = $rvalue unless $lvalue;

(TMTOWTDI...)  Enjoy!  HTH, :)


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