On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, christopher j bottaro wrote:

> hey,
> i wanna make a perl script that will convert those stupid "\r\n" dos newlines 
> to good unix "\n" newlines...=)  the problem isn't really a perl problem, but 
> a general programming problem that i've always kinda wondered about.
> so i guess what i'm gunna do is open the file, read in a line, search for 
> "\r\n", if its there, replace it with just "\n", then write the new (edited) 
> line to a new file.  my problem is this...if the file is 10 megs, then not 
> only is the program gunna read a 10 meg file, but write one as well.  is 
> there not a better way to do this?
> i can't really remove the "\r" in situ because as far as i understand, a file 
> is just an array of bytes and if i remove the "\r", i'd have to shift 
> everything else down one byte.

Perl has some switches that take care of the details of efficiently 
iterating over a file line by line for you, and even editing in place 
(well it isn't doen in place, but with a copy first). The -p switch says 
iterate over the entire file and print ecah lline after your script has 
run. -n does the same thing, but does not print the line. Add -i to either 
of these switches and the fiel is changed in place. The -e switch lets you 
write one line scripts.

Converting \r\n to \n is simple with a regular expression s/\r\n/\n/g. Put 
it all together and you can do your crlf conversion trivially.
Here I examine a file to see that it's contents indeed have dos line 

[cgalpin@rabbit tmp]$ od -c dosfile.txt
0000000   l   i   n   e       1  \r  \n   l   i   n   e       2  \r  \n
0000020   l   i   n   e       3  \r  \n  \r  \n

If dos2unix is not handy, perl to the rescue:

[cgalpin@rabbit tmp]$ perl -pi -e 's/\r\n/\n/g' dosfile.txt

Verify our work:

[cgalpin@rabbit tmp]$ od -c dosfile.txt
0000000   l   i   n   e       1  \n   l   i   n   e       2  \n   l   i
0000020   n   e       3  \n  \n

perl -pi.bak would have saved a backup as dosfile.txt.bak

This one liner is the equivalent of creating a file with

--- begin file contents --
#!/usr/bin/perl -pi

--- end file contents --

If you want to keep it in your toolbox.


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