
# ======================================================================
# Perl Source File -- Created with SAPIEN Technologies PrimalSCRIPT(TM)
# NAME: <Nandita.pl>
# AUTHOR: Aman Thind , Quark Inc
# DATE  : 12/16/2002
# PURPOSE: <comment>
# ======================================================================
$file = 'C:\Documents and Settings\athind\Desktop\nandita.txt';
open FILE , $file;

 if(/Length *= *([0-9]*)/)
  push @Ln , $1;
 if(/Identities.*\/ *([0-9]*)/)
  push @Dn , $1;

for($i=0 ; $i < scalar(@Ln) ; $i++)

 if(@Ln[$i]!= 0)
  $percentage = @Dn[$i]*100/@Ln[$i];
  print "Length = 0 in Blah";
  print $i+1;
  print "!\n";
 push @Blah,$percentage;

 if(@Blah[$i] > 50)
  print "BLAH";
  print $i+1;
  print "\n"


This should do the job.
Please adapt it to your liking.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nandita Mullapudi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 3:31 AM
Subject: picking numbers out of a file and operating on them

How does one tell perl to perform mathematical operations?
I have a file with a series of items like this:
Length = 500
Identities = 20/100.

Length = 400
Identities = 30/70

For each item called BLAH, I want to pick the denominator in Identites and
divide by Length and calculate percentage.
Eg. for BLAH1: 100/500 * 100 = 20%
and later , print all BLAHs for which the value is >50%.

I csn write reg exps to find the numbers i am interested in, but am not
sure how to go further..


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