Satya Devarakonda wrote:
> Thanks to all those guys who answered my question As you guys pointed out
> the join worked without //s.
> But the code also had some correction to be made (eg. line number 34) and
> would look really like this(and not as I initially sent you folks).
> There are still has some issues with line 11 and I am debugging it.
> Sorry I am not very good at PERL but any suggestions to improve performance
> are greatly  appreciated.
> ########################################################################
>    my @str_start = qw ( 1 0 28 27 34 );
>    my @str_length = qw ( 8 9 10 9 2 );
>    my @search_key = qw (FILETYPE.ZIP RBZ RBZ Bytes Errors);

Since search_key is used in a regular expression it might be better to
create one.

    my $search_key = qr/FILETYPE.ZIP|RBZ|RBZ|Bytes|Errors/;

>    my @search_out =  qw( \@env_start  \@env_end  \@env_files  \@env_bytes 
>\@env_errors );

You are using qw() so this is the same as:

    my @search_out = ('\@env_start', '\@env_end', '\@env_files',
'\@env_bytes', '\@env_errors');

>    #Open the Modem Log and get Start time, End time, File Information,
>    Bytes received
>    #Errors observed during dail up
>    my $MonthDay = shift();
>    print $Monthday;
>    open (MODEMLOG, "/opt/cleo/envoy/log/calenvoy.$MonthDay" ) or die ("Can
>    not open MODEMLOG");

You should include the $! variable in the error message so you know why
it failed.

>    my @modem_log = <MODEMLOG>;
>    close (MODEMLOG ) or die ( "Cannot close file: MODEMLOG");
>        for ($i = 0; $i < @search_key; $i++)
>        {
>            ${search_out[$i]} = grep (/$search_key[$i]/,@modem_log);

You are assigning a list to a scalar here which is probably not what you
want.  Also, why you are overwriting the current values in the
@search_out array?

>            for ($j = 0; $j < ${search_out[0]}; $j++)
>            {
>            ${search_out[$i]} = substr ($search_out[$i][$j],$str_start
>    [$j].$str_length[$j]);
>            }
>        }
>        for ($i = 0; $i < @env_errors; $i++)
Where did this come from?

>        {
>            ${env_desc[$i]} = join (',',${env_files[$i]},${env_start[$i]},
>            ${env_end[$i]}, ${env_bytes[$i]}, ${env_errors[$i]}, "\n");
>        }
>        my @fields;
>        my @clm_types = qw ( PHC.ZIP PMC.ZIP );

Again, why not just create a regular expression?

        my $clm_types = qr/P[HM]C.ZIP/;

>        for ($i = 0; $i < @clm_types; $i++)
>        {
>            @temp_str = grep (/${clm_types[$i]}/,@env_desc);
>            @fields = split (/,/,$temp_str[@temp_str - 1],4);
>            $env_final[$i] = join (',',$fields[1],$fields[2],@temp_str - 1);
>        }
>    } # End of the procModemLog()
> ###########################################################################

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