Hello ,
                Thanks for the help.. the info which who have provided is
very helpful for me..thanks


!> -----Original Message-----
!> From: A. Johnson Jeba Asir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
!> Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 11:05 PM
!> Subject: getting defunct message
!> hello people,
!>                 When I'm trying to server which listens on 
!> tcp port and
!> forking child process i'm getting lot of defunct process when 
!> the server
!> gets lots of requests . Can any body explains why this happens in
!> general ?
!When a child process terminates, the OS releases all the resources used by
!the process, but keeps the process entry in the process table. This is so
!the parent can read the child's exit status (this is called "reaping").
!Processes that have terminated, but whose exit status has not yet been
!reaped are "defuct" or "zombies".
!Two basic ways to handle this:
!1. Catch SIGCHLD and call wait() from the signal handler to reap the exit
!2. set $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE' in the parent before forking. This tells the OS
!you don't care about the child exit status and it doesn't need to hold on to
!the process table entry. (Note: this does not work on all systems.)
!(The defunct/zombies will also go away when the parent terminates)
!See also:
!   perldoc -q 'How do I avoid zombies on a Unix system?'

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