William Ampeh wrote:
> Hello,


> This is kind of sloppy, but it is what I have been able to come up with.
> How can I make this more "cleaner"?
> [BIG snip]

Ok, you wanted cleaner, perhaps this will help:

use warnings;
use strict;

use Getopt::Std;

sub error_messages {
    print <<ERROR;

                                E   R   R   O   R

       USAGE: $0 -i {excel filename} -o {output filename }

          EG: $0 -i table1a.xls -o table1a.txt

              -  E X E C U T I O N    S U P P R E S S E D  ! ! ! -


   exit 1;   #++ failure

error_messages if @ARGV < 4;

my %opts;
getopts( 'i:o:', \%opts );
error_messages unless $opts{'i'} and $opts{'o'};

my $family_head;
open my $infile, '<', $opts{'i'} or die "\aCannot open '$opts{'i'}' $!";

#  ~~~~~~~~~~~ READING OF INPUT FILE BEGINS HERE ~~~~~~~~~~
while ( <$infile> ) {
   $family_head = $1 if s/(f.\d{9}\..)\s*=//i;
   push @{ $MAIN_ADD_DECK{$family_head} }, /(f.\d{9}\..)/ig
      if $family_head;
close $infile;

open my $outfile, '>', $opts{'o'} or die "\aCannot open '$opts{'o'}' $!";
for my $family ( sort keys %MAIN_ADD_DECK ) {
   print $outfile "$family = {@{ $MAIN_ADD_DECK{$family} }}\n";
close $outfile;


use Perl;

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