----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ramprasad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 1:48 AM
Subject: deleting elements of an array and push into new

> Hello all,
>     I have to remove elements from an array if they match a particualr 
> string and put it into another array
> eg if element matches index or default I want it to be in a new array
> I am trying this
> my @arr = qw( 01.html index.html aa.html bb.html cc.html dd.html );
> # the following does not compile
> #map {s/^(index|default).*/{push @new,$_}/e && delete $_  } @arr;
> #This works but it does not remove the array element
> map {s/^(index|default).*/{push @new,$_}/e && undef $_  } @arr;

There is probably a mroe elegant way of doing this, but...

my @arr = qw( 01.html index.html aa.html bb.html cc.html dd.html );
my @new;
my $count=0;
for(@arr) {
  if(/^(index|default).*/) {
    push @new,$_;

print Dumper([\@new,\@arr]);



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