Jenda Krynicky wrote:
> From: "John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Or, you could do it the "correct" way.  :-)
> >
> > use POSIX 'strftime';
> >
> > my $date = strftime '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z', localtime;
> > $smtp->datasend( "Date: $date\n" );
> I'm not sure this is the correct way.
> This prints
>         Sun, 05 Jan 2003 18:42:54 Central Europe Standard Time
> on my computer (Win2k, ActivePerl 5.5.1 build 631 as well as
> ActivePerl 5.8.0 build 804).
> Which is NOT understood properly by my mailer (Pegasus Mail 4.02a).

On my system the manpage for strftime says:

man 3 strftime
       %z     The time-zone as hour offset from GMT.  Required to
              emit RFC822-conformant dates (using "%a, %d  %b  %Y
              %H:%M:%S %z"). (GNU)

As I don't have a Windows system to test this on I'm not sure why this
is happening.
However the POSIX manpage states:

man 3pm POSIX
               you want your code to be portable, your format
               (`fmt') argument should use only the conversion
               specifiers defined by the ANSI C standard.  These
               are `aAbBcdHIjmMpSUwWxXyYZ%'.

So it looks like the %z format is not portable.
If it doesn't work on your machine you can calculate it like this:

$ perl -MPOSIX -MTime::Local -e'
$local = time;
$gm = timelocal( gmtime $local );
$sign = qw( + + - )[ $local <=> $gm ];
$calc = sprintf "%s%02d%02d", $sign, (gmtime abs( $local - $gm ))[2,1];

print "Calculated: $calc\n", strftime( "strftime: %z\n", localtime );
Calculated: -0800
strftime: -0800

use Perl;

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