
Escape the dot: "\."  That should do't.


Michael Kramer wrote:

> I've been having some problems with this little code two major issues.
> What I'm tring to do is get Photos off an FTP site:
>         I have a text file with about 4000 lines and on each line is an eight digit
> number "30635325".  I take all of the is an put it into an array.  Then I
> have to change the info to 30635325_0.jpg because on the FTP site that's how
> each one of the Photos are saved.  I'm getting weird output here the "." is
> not working example of the output "_0.jp 78".  Next assuming it works. I
> connect to the FTP site and get a list of what they have.  The fun thing is
> that the FTP site has most of the photos I need but they are separated in to
> different folders, so the file I need is "30635325_0.jpg" is located in
> first folder "30" second folder "635" then the file is "325_0.jpg".  I have
> written the code to do this but it take a long time and I wanted to know if
> this is the best way to do it.  If any one could please help me it would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
>         use strict;
>         print "Step 1: Find the $file in $dir.\n";
>                 chdir($dir) or die "Can't open $dir: $!";
>         print "Step 2: Open the $file.\n";
>                 open(FILE, $file) or die "Can't open $file: $!";
>                         @word = <FILE>;
>                         chomp @word;
>                 close(FILE);
>         print "Step 3: Clean up our listings.\n";
>         #I need to fix the listings from the text file to what they are on the FTP
> sit
>                 @correctedwords = ();
>                 foreach $item (@word) {
>                         if (substr($item,length($item) - 6, length($item)) ne 
>                                 $looking_for_listings{$item . "_0.jpg"} = 1;
>                         } else {
>                                 $looking_for_listings{$item} = 1;
>                         }
>                 }
>         ################################
>         #once I do this I have been getting some funkey out put. "_0.jp 67"
>         ################################
>         #I need to see if they exist on the ftp site.
>         print "Step 4: Start FTP.\n";
>                 use Net::FTP;
>                 #... connect to the FTP site.
>                 $ftp->cwd("$pin_folder")
>                         or $ftp->cwd("$pin_folder")
>                                 or die "Couldn't change to dir $pin_folder. \n$!\n";
>         print "Step 5: Get the list they have.\n";
>                 @first_folder = $ftp->ls()
>                         or die "Couldn't get a list of files. $!\n";
>                 foreach $myfolder (@first_folder) {
>                         $ftp->cwd("$myfolder")
>                                 or die "Did not work $myfolder\n";
>                         @second_folder = $ftp->ls()
>                                 or die "can't get list in $second_folder. \n";
>                         foreach $folder2 (@second_folder) {
>                                 $ftp->cwd("$folder2")
>                                         or die "did not work $folder2\n";
>                                 @files = $ftp->ls()
>                                         or die "can't get the list in $folder2";
>                                 $ftp->cwd("../")
>                                         or die "can't get the list in ../";
>                                 foreach $file (@files) {
>                                         if ($looking_for_listings{$myfolder . 
>$folder2 . $file}) {
>                                                 $seen{$myfolder . $folder2 . $file} 
>= 1;
>                                         }
>                                 }
>                         }
>                         $ftp->cwd("../")
>                                 or die "can't get the list in ../";
>                 }
>         print "Step 6: print the list they have and we want.\n";
>         #I should get about 300 listings but I get nothing!!!!
>         for $a ( keys %seen) {
>                 print "$a=$seen{$a}\n";
>         }
> $ftp->quit();
> Michael Kramer
> --
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