
I did a little benchmarking in regard to the
string manipulation issue raised on this forum.

Here are relevant parameters and benchmark results.

Given a string and a pattern, construct new string
by removing part of the string equal to pattern.
Remove only first occurrence of the pattern.

Problem solutions 

Solution #1 ($x = $a) =~ s/\Q$b//;

Solution #2  $x = substr($a,0,index($a,$b)).substr($a,index($a,$b)+length($b)); 

$a - string
$b - pattern
$x - result

Benchmark infrastructure
HW   - Standalone laptop PIII, 512M
OS   - Windows 2000 Professional SP3
Perl - ActivePerl 5.8.0 Build 804

Benchmark technology
Randomly generated string and pattern from the
allowable set of characters.
Pattern starts and ends at random defined positions
within the string.

Business rules
- Allowable set of characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9
- String length 50 characters
- Pattern variable length
- Match always exists

Result precision
Seconds * 1/1000000

Result rule
Cumulative time for direct string manipulation
not including infrastructure processing time 
(random generation string and pattern, etc).

Number of iterations
- 10000
- 100000
- 1000000
- 10000000

Final results

      # iterations      Solution #1           Solution #2
                                 (sec)                 (sec)

          10000           0.330479              0.140206    

          100000         2.894159              1.231760

          1000000      30.223414            10.805546

          10000000   299.560781           106.883615



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