Can some please help here :)

I have the following

sub dbMonthlySelect() {
        my $query;
        my $result;

        $query = "select * from mbstats_se where 
        $result = &doQuery($query,'dbMonthlySelect');

        my $i = $result->fetchrow_hashref;
                for my $key (sort { $i->{$b} <=> $i->{$a} } (keys %$i)) {
                        print "$key = $i->{$key} \n" if defined $i->{$key};


and it sorts like this:

I1 = 541
I2 = 160
I4 = 40
I3 = 32
I5 = 9
I6 = 8
I8 = 6
I11 = 5
I7 = 4
I18 = 4
I14 = 3
I15 = 3
I17 = 3
I13 = 3
I21 = 2
I10 = 2
I98 = 1
I20 = 1
I16 = 1
I23 = 1
SYSTEM = wb0300ux124
DATATYPE = OrderSubmit

When it should be like this:
DATATYPE = OrderSubmit
SYSTEM = wb0300ux124
I1 = 541
I2 = 160
I3 = 32
I4 = 40
I5 = 9
I6 = 8
I7 = 4
I8 = 6
I10 = 2
I11 = 5
I13 = 3
I14 = 3
I15 = 3
I16 = 1
I17 = 3
I18 = 4
I21 = 2
I20 = 1
I23 = 1
I98 = 1

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