According to Amazon the Perl black book is out of print. :( you got me
all hyped about checking it out :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Muey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 11:12 AM
> To: Dylan Boudreau; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Perl book
> I'd say go to the library then and check out some books 
> ( have them get them other libraries if they don't have them 
> ) and when you find one you jive with go buy it.
> I love 'The Black Book of Perl' and have learned most all 
> I do from it and I to do a lot of Unix Administration.
> One reason I didn't jive real great with the O'reilly books 
> is that the ones I 
> Had available to me where sort of vague while being 
> desciptive at the same time Especially with modules. 
> Example :
> Page 114 of 'Perl in a Nutshell'
> It is describing the pack function and does so quite well and 
> informative like. But if I'd never used pack before I'd have 
> no idea what it is for. How am I supposed to understand what  
> 'taking a list of values and packing it in a binary 
> structure' is supposed to mean if I've never come across it before. 
> There are no examples of situations you might use this or 
> samples of usage beside at the top
> It has
> Pack template, list
> Then explains what pack does and what template and list are 
> but how do you know if you are supposed to do
> pack($template, @list);
> Or exactly like they have it
> pack $template, $list;
> Or both or can I do 
> Pack abBA, list
> Or only one character where template is?
> And I can see that for template I might use any number of 
> things a,A,b,B, etc and I can even see what they mean a - An 
> ASCCI string, will be null padded.
> That's a great reminder if you've used this before and 
> understand what 'An ASCCI string, will be null padded' means. 
> What is list, an array or a string? What can it be, a file, 
> input, what good would you get from using pack?
> Why not thrown in : 
> You may want to use pack if you are .....
> And have at least one example
> $value = "Example Of actual data you might want to use in 
> pack"; pack(a, $value);
> This would return ... So that you could ...
> So, to me, these books are much like Microsoft Tech Support : 
> There was a helicopter flying in Seattle and it became too 
> foggy to see. Desperatley tring to find out where they were 
> the pilot yelled out of the window to some people in  a 
> building nearby ," We're lost! Where are we?" and the people 
> said, "You're in a helicopter!". The helicopter landed safely 
> and the crew asked how the pilot knew where to go based on 
> what those people said and he replied, "Well, I knew we were 
> by the Microsfot building because their answer was 
> technically correct but completely useless. ".
> So basically are the Orielly books I;ve seen good books. You 
> bet, they are informative and acurate but they are very 
> difficult to learn new stuff from! 
> So instead of learning something new it kind of makes you 
> avoid learning new stuff because then you have to 
> ask a list what this or that means and risk a pummeling at 
> the ignorance you've shown!
> I'd take one for free but I wouldn't pay for it. 
> But that's just me.
> Dan
> > I am a network administrator maintaining strictly Unix boxes
> > of some type or another.  I want to become as proficient at 
> > Perl as I possibly can because I see scripting as the week 
> > point on my resume.  I have the Oreilly book "Perl for System 
> > Administrators" but I want to read another book before I get 
> > in to that one so I have a good base.
> > 
> > I think the main thing I want to get out of the next book is
> > more familiarity with modules because Learning Perl doesn't 
> > really cover them well at all.
> > 
> > Dylan
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dan Muey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: January 15, 2003 11:32 AM
> > To: Dylan Boudreau; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: RE: Perl book
> > 
> > 
> > The black books are very nice. I like them better than the
> > Orielly ones.
> > 
> > Not to start a flame war, I just like em better.
> > 
> > Also there's the 'using perl' for specifci jobs, system
> > admin, web programming, database, algorythms, etc
> > 
> > Can't remember the publisher off hand, sorry.
> > 
> > Depends on what you want to use perl for now that you've done
> > Learning Perl.
> > 
> > You could do one of my favorite things and go into Barnes and
> > Noble and read all of them, or check them out form the 
> > library and start it and if you don't like it take it back 
> > and get another!!
> > 
> > Basically you can't go wrong with anything perl!!!
> > 
> > Dan
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Dylan Boudreau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 9:06 AM
> > > Subject: Perl book
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I have already read Learning Perl and am looking to get
> > another book
> > > to learn more what would people recommend?
> > >  
> > > Thanks,
> > >  
> > > Dylan
> > >  
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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