Hello Perl lovers,

 I am developing a script which runs in TCSH 6.x shell. I have two questions

1.  I need to be able to set an global enviernment variable. The shell has a
build in command setenv which would enable me to do what I need. This is
what I try,

system("setenv DESTDIR /mnt");

...but this fails , by hand in works great. Source has the same problme. Any
ideas ???

2. I need to run a few external commands sequantialy. Run one  wait on it to
compleate run the others.... a sample command would be

system("cat cab.??|tar vxz -C ${DESTDIR}");

 In C I would usually fork and waitpid on child, I was wondering if there is
a short trick to this in Perl. ( I know IPC::OpenX returns pid and I can do
a waitpid on it ) .

Thanx in advance,

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