> I would like to know if it is possible to do somthing like this:
> ( I know I can't do it this way as Perl barfs when I tried it )
> $SizeOfMyArray = 2;
> $MyArray[ $SizeOfMyArray ];

Why are you trying to define the size of your array?

> push( @MyArray[ 0 ],  0 );         << --- complains here with < ERROR >
(see below )

What are you trying to do?  Assign '0' to the first position of the array,
or push 0 onto the array in the first position of the array?

The first would look like:
The second would look like:
push ($MyArray[0],0);

> push( @MyArray[ 1 ],  5 );
> foreach $item ( @MyArray )
> {
>     print " Number $item \n";
> }

                Hope this helps,

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