Le Blanc wrote:
> Greetings,


> Here is my question. In the below code I have the user enter in a
> part number and revision. These are then written into a text file.
> All this works as it should. The next step that I want to get to is
> this. When the user enters the part number and revision I would like
> the script to first look at the text file and see if the number already
> exists. If it does, I then want any information that follows that number
> to be outputted to the screen. If the number does not exist then I want
> the script to write it to the text file. I hope this is clear. When it
> outtputs to the screen I need a way to tell it what part of the text
> file to actually print. I do not want the whole file to print.
> So in a nutshell, how can I have it look at the text file for the part
> number and then print out the information.

If your part numbers are unique then you should probably be using a hash
tied to a DB file.  If the text file is static then you should create an
index to look up the sections you want to display.

> I know that the code does not look pretty, but I am learning. I will
> eventually learn to format it more properly. Thank you for your help.
> print "What is the Part Number that you would like to look up?\n";
> my $PartNumber = <STDIN>;
> chomp($PartNumber);
> while (!$PartNumber){ ## while $PartNumber is empty keep asking
>    print "PartNumber? ";
>    $PartNumber = <STDIN>;
>    chomp($PartNumber);
> }

No reason to duplicate all that code:

print "What is the Part Number that you would like to look up?\n";
my $PartNumber;
do  {
    print "PartNumber? ";
    chomp( $PartNumber = <STDIN> );
    } until $PartNumber;  ## while $PartNumber is empty keep asking

> print "What is the Revision level for $PartNumber?\n";
> my $Revision = <STDIN>;
> chomp($Revision);
> while (!$Revision){ ## while $Revision is empty keep asking
>    print "Revision? ";
>    $Revision = <STDIN>;
>    chomp($Revision);
> }

print "What is the Revision level for $PartNumber?\n";
my $Revision;
do  {
    print "Revision? ";
    chomp( $Revision = <STDIN> );
    } until $Revision;  ## while $Revision is empty keep asking

> open(FILE, '>>fai.txt') ||  die $!;
> printf FILE "\t$PartNumber Rev. $Revision\t";
> close(FILE);

use DB_File;

tie my %hash, 'DB_File', 'db_filename';

$hash{ $PartNumber } = $Revision;

untie %hash;

use Perl;

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