> I am reading in a text file that has input similar to this.
> date|data|data|data\n
> I then read the file in and using a while loop I chomp off 
> the new line. while (<IPO>){
>     chomp;
>     @line=split /\|/,$_;
>     $line[2]=~s/ //g;

Do you mean $line[3] since that is the last one in the array in the example above?
date1|data2|data3|data4\n would become
0 data1
1 data2
2 data3
3 data4\n
If so remove any newlines and space also :
$line[3] =~ s/\n|\r| //g;
Or use '\s' instead of ' ' for the space.

>     print "$_" foreach (@line);
>     last;
>     $count++;
>     last if ($count == 7);
> }
> Here is the mystery. the output has a newline at the end of 
> it. It should print 
> "data data data data" and then my next prompt should be right 
> here. instead it prints 
> "data data data data
> "and my prompt is here.
> If I remove the initial chomp then I get a double space at the end.
> No matter what I print the last element gets a new line ?????
> Example if I
>       print "$line[0] $line[1]";
> then right at the end of the print statement is a new line 
> and the output is identical to what I previously described. 
> the last elements always inherits a new line. It driving me 
> crazy!!! thanks in advance :)
> Paul Kraus
> Network Administrator
> PEL Supply Company
> 216.267.5775 Voice
> 216-267-6176 Fax
> www.pelsupply.com
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