At 2:49 PM -0800 1/15/03, shirish doshi wrote:
   I am a novice in Perl and I want to implement
telnet in perl. If you have any tutorials or source
code available with you , please forward me.
Thanking you in advance,

Perl has the Net::Telnet module:

Below, I'll include an example I created following the module's example in its manpage. This example doesn't require a username and password. Most of the information you need will be in the manpage. Once you install the module, use 'perldoc Net::Telnet' to read it.



# This script connects to the Weather Underground site and
# retrieves a brief weather report for the designated city.
# [Based on example in Net::Telnet POD. Added config section and
# line ending substitution statement before output. -- PJC]

use strict;

use Net::Telnet;

# # # Begin Config # # #
my $url = "";
my $city_code = "PHL"; # Philadelphia, PA, USA
# # # End Config # # #

my($forecast, $t);

use Net::Telnet ();
$t = new Net::Telnet;

## Wait for first prompt and "hit return".

## Wait for second prompt and respond with city code.
$t->waitfor('/city code.*$/');

## Read and print the first page of forecast.
($forecast) = $t->waitfor('/[ \t]+press return to continue/i');

# replace orig. line ending with Mac EOL char.
$forecast =~ s/\015?\012/\015/g; # DOS/UNIX to Mac [PJC]

print $forecast;


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