Zentara wrote:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> @users=('/home/zentara');
> #put all user-root hidden files and hidden dirs into 1 temp dir
> #this makes it easier to backup second level subdirs
> foreach $homedir(@users){
> opendir DIR, $homedir or warn "Cannot readdir $homedir:$!\n";
> @files = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir DIR;
> foreach (@files){push @movem,$_ if -f}
> foreach (@files){push @movem,$_ if ($_ =~ m!^[.]!)}
> print "@movem\n";
> print "##############################################\n";
> }
> exit;
> Can someone shed some light on why this happens? It has
> something to do with running it from /.

yes because readdir(DIR) only returns a relative path. you need to know 
where you are! example:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

opendir(DIR,'.') || die $!;
print join("\n",grep /\.pl$/, readdir(DIR)),"\n";


when i run the above in my perl directory, it prints the following:


when i run the above in /, it prints nothing because under /, i don't have 
any script that ends with .pl

now going back to looking at your:

> foreach (@files){push @movem,$_ if -f}

when you run it in /, your if statment is trying to do:

foreach (@files){ push @movem,$_ if(-f /$_)}

because you are under /. the test will mostly like fail.

when you run it in /home/zentara, your if statement is trying to do:

foreach (@files){ push @movem,$_ if(-f /home/zentara/$_)}

so it work.


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