Le Blanc wrote:
> I made some changes. Now I get an error message.
> The message says "Can't use string ("") as an ARRAY ref while "strict
> refs" in use"
> Here is the code as it stands now, with changes.
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use Data::Dumper;
> use diagnostics -verbose;
> print "Enter the Part Number you wish to search for: ";
> my $part = <STDIN>;
>    chomp($part);
> print "Enter the Revison for ($part): ";
> my $rev = <STDIN>;
>            chomp($rev);
> my $searchresult = &search(part => $part, rev => $rev);
> if (defined $searchresult) {
> print "Located Part Number $part: $$searchresult[1..7]\n";

    print "Located Part Number $part: @$searchresult\n";

> }else {
> print "Your Part Number ($part) Rev ($rev) could not be found...\n";
> }
> # This routine will accept a part number as an anonymous
> # hash, and search thru a text file returning the entire
> # record (pipe delineated) of the 1st occurence
> sub search {
> my %args = @_;
> my $retval;
> local *FH;
> open (FH, './fai.txt') || die "Cannot open file: ($!)";
> my @records = <FH>;

close FH;

> chomp (@records);
>        foreach my $line (@records){
> my @fields = split(/\|/, $line);
> if ($args{part} eq $fields[0] && $args{rev} eq $fields[1]){
> $retval = \@fields;    # DELETE
> last; # DELETE
> close FH;    # DELETE
>                 return \@fields;    # This is all you need
> }
> }
> }

Nearly there!


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