
We are using Apache 1.3.26, Perl 5.5.3 and  perl-cgi scripting to
communicate to applications with XML. App1 calls the cgi script that is
placed in the other machine. The script reads the XML message and pass it to
pipe1. This message is processed by App2 and a response message is returned
to pipe2 and sent to App1.

The process works fine, but we have detected an issue when more that one XML
message is sent at the same time. The first message that arrives is well
processed but the second message is lost.

Any ideas about what to do in the Perl script to avoid concurrency problems

This is the script:

print "Content-type: text/xml\n";
use CGI;
read(STDIN, $cadena, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

$cadena =~ tr/+/ /;     # reeplace the + sign by spaces

$request = "> /myfolder/mypipe/pipe1";

unless (open(SYSREQUEST, $request))
    die("Impossible to open the pipe $request\n");

print SYSREQUEST "$cadena\n";


$request2 = "/myfolder/mypipe/pipe2";

unless (open(SYSREQUEST2, $request2))
    die("Impossible to open the pipe $request2\n");

while ( <SYSREQUEST2> )
  print "$_\n";

Thank you very much in advance,


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