On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 11:53:17 -0500 (EST), David Brookes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Hi Everyone
> This is my first post and I am a complete Perl Newbie.  Here is the
> background: (The next paragraph may be skipped.)

> I basically need help installing perl modules in Mac OS X.  I started by
> installing Perl 5.8 using the instructions given at the website below.
> http://developer.apple.com/internet/macosx/perl.html
> Stupidly (maybe) I installed 5.8 over the 5.6 version that came with
> developer tools.  Basically I followed the Apple directory structure, not
> the default Perl  structure that the author suggested.  (No good reason
> really). 

Sometimes the author knows what they are talking about ;-)...

> everything seemed to work fine after  completing the installation.  Then I
> went to CPAN and downloaded the
> XML-XPath 1.12 module and tried to install it.  I followed the std
> instructions for unix systems, but it did not install properly and so now
> I am stuck. 

Why?  What was the output and what errors were listed?  If you can give a better 
explanation of "did not install properly" then someone here may be able to help you. 
The other suggestion is to use the power of CPAN's ability to handle module 
installation for you, by reading perldoc CPAN and then issuing:

 perl -MCPAN -e shell

In the future you may want to post mac specific questions to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list 
(though there are a number of us on both).


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