how about:

foreach(sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @AoA){
#sort by the first element of the array created
#by dereferencing each element of @AoA

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Kraus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 1:32 PM
To: 'Perl'
Subject: Sorting a 2dim array / Spreadsheet::WriteExcel

I am dumping rows of an array into an excel file. I would like those
rows to be sorted. If I wanted them to be sorted by the first elements
how would I do it?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
open IN, ($ARGV[0]);
my @AoA;
while (<IN>){
  push (@AoA,[(split /\|/,$_)]);

my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("perl.xls");
my $endo=$workbook->addworksheet('ENDO00');
my $baue=$workbook->addworksheet('BAUE00');
my $fore=$workbook->addworksheet('FORE00');
my $fill=$workbook->addworksheet('FILL00');
my $hosm=$workbook->addworksheet('HOSM00');
my $ipos=$workbook->addworksheet('IPOS00');
my $ohio=$workbook->addworksheet('OHIO00');
my $seat=$workbook->addworksheet('SEAT00');

for my $i (0 .. $#AoA){
  for my $j (0 .. $#{$AoA[$i]}) {

my @count = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

foreach (@AoA){
  if (@$_[3] eq 'ENDO00'){
  if (@$_[3] eq 'BAUE00'){
  if (@$_[3] eq 'FORE00'){
  if (@$_[3] eq 'FILL00'){
  if (@$_[3] eq 'HOSM00'){
  if (@$_[3] eq 'IPOS00'){
  if (@$_[3] eq 'OHIO00'){
  if (@$_[3] eq 'SEAT00'){

Output (excel file) - I would like each sheet sorted by year.
Year  item  description                                 vend
sale  qty    prod code
1999    10011   Knee Platform Assy KT Univ Mark V       SEAT00  266
4       ENDO
2000    10011   Knee Platform Assy KT Univ Mark V       SEAT00  71
1       ENDO
2001    10011   Knee Platform Assy KT Univ Mark V       SEAT00  216
3       ENDO
2002    10011   Knee Platform Assy KT Univ Mark V       SEAT00  72
1       ENDO
2000    10073   Knee Platform Assembly for Mark V       SEAT00  82
2       ENDO
2001    10073   Knee Platform Assembly for Mark V       SEAT00  87
2       ENDO

In fact if I could sort it by year and then decending order within year
for sales that would be perfect or better yet sorted and then each year
having a total line and then a space before the next year. Thanks!!

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