Actually I saw that after I sent it. I did a copy and past and apparently
didn't catch the '#'. It was in the script --- it didn't appear in the copy
I placed in the email. I actually tested it on both a Freebsd server and on
a linux server with the same results.

Sorry for the confusion.


-----Original Message-----
From: R. Joseph Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 11:58 PM
To: Ron Geringer
Subject: Re: still needing help

Ron Geringer wrote:

> This is your script - which I put in the cgi-bin
> /usr/bin/perl

No, it is not.  His script had a script header of:


Which is a comment only on a Windows machine.  On a Linux box, it is a
critical direction to the OS as to how to process the rest of the file.  It
must have the #! p[lus the exact path from root to the perl exectable.  Do
not uncomment, ever!  It is harmless in Windows, and critical on 'Nix


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