Dan wrote:
> Hi again,
> Yet another question for you. I string (these are just examples):
> 1) this.is.a.string.to.match.with
> 2) this.is.another.string.to.match.with
> 3) this.is.a.totally.different.string

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    my @string = qw (

> Basically, what I want to be able to do, is to carry out match testing
> against them, and return just the strings that match. For example, a
> search of *.with returns strings 1 and 2
> a search of *string* returns strings 1 and 2
> a search of *a* returns all 3
> a search of *.a.* returns 1 and 3
> I think you should get the idea.

    foreach my $pattern (qr(\.with), qr(string), qr(a), qr(\.a\.)) {
        foreach my $i (0 .. $#string) {
            print $i+1, " " if $string[$i] =~ $pattern;
        print "\n";

> I'm no master on regex, so I'd have absolutely no idea where to
> start. All help muchly appreciated.

    1 2
    1 2 3     (You see, 'string' appears in all 3 strings!)
    1 2 3
    1 3

I'll explain tomorrow if you need me to. Bed time now :)



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