On Saturday 01 February 2003 03:18 pm, R. Joseph Newton wrote:
> Jamie Risk wrote:
> > I'm thinking I could open up "/dev/urandom/" but that hardly seems
> > portable.
> Hi Jamie,
> Remember the principle of KISS.

Ahem..excuse me; What is the principle of KISS? Thanks. :)

Also, for the rand script below; you'd have to pass it a 'bit' value? how's 
that, and why's that? Or are you calling a bit a integer/float; that seems 
likely. (just thought of that) 

Why not 'use warnings' down there by the good 'ole use strict? Isn't the -w 
"global" in scope, and can't it not be (huh?) pop'ed out of "scope". While 
'use warnings' can be turned off. Hm...with something like, no warnings; 
maybe. Right? I'm pretty tired..go to bed..no...comput..zzzz :) 



> #!/usr/bin/perl -w   
> use strict;
> my $bits = $ARGV[0];
> my $Random = int (rand(2**$bits));
> print "$Random\n";
> Joseph

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